Monday, November 29, 2010

Swedish & Rainbow weekend.

Had a pretty bz weekend... coz I had been wanted to try my hands on some Swedish meatballs.. and here's the result.. with some soft and buttery baked potatoes.. I was pretty happy with the results coz even my fussy boy walloped everything!

On top of that.. baked something 'colorful' to end the weekend..
Not too bad.. it has strawberry taste in 1 layer.. chocolate in another... pandan and vanilla.. An explosion of taste in 1 mouthful!!
Kids loves this Chiffon cake coz it's colorful!!

That's not it!! I managed to buy some cheap and nice fresh blueberries (that doesn't come by very often... and baked blueberry muffins with butter and almond toppings... And it taste lovely with the buttery taste.. a tang of sourness fresh blueberries with a hint of sweetness...
UNFORTUNATELY... I forgot to take pictures of it... Oh well... next time then.

What a busy weekend huh...


  1. Yummy yummy... the meatballs look delicious! The cake a little too colourful...lols

  2. The meatballs are pretty good!!
    Cake: That's why it's call Rainbow chiffon!! Lols!

  3. Waaaaa.....looks so the yummy-yummy!!!!
